Beckman Mill Guided Tours
The mill, gift shop, and museum are open every Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 p.m., May 3rd through October 26th, 2025. Corn Grinding and Blacksmith Demonstrating will be featured on the first Saturday of every month.
2025 Special Events at Beckman Mill
- Opening Day | May 3rd, 12-4 p.m.
- Grinding demonstrations, tours of the Cooperage/Museum, and opening of the gift shop. A blacksmith workshop for visitors to take part in. Sing and dance to recording artist Mike Schneider’s accordion polka music. Chili served with corn muffins made from the corn ground at the mill, soda, water, and desserts will be available for purchase. No admission charge, but donations are greatly appreciated.
- Ice Cream Social & Artists in the Park | July 20th, 12-3 p.m.
- Ice cream and root beer floats will be served. The historic 1858 Beckman Mill grist mill will be in operation, the cooperage/museum and gift shop will also be open. Artists will be stationed throughout the park, painting and interacting with guests. Some will have art for sale. Special painting kids’ activities will be held. There is no admission fee or charge for the treats, but donations are greatly appreciated.
- First Brigade Band Performance | July 20th, 3-4:30 p.m.
- The band makes history live by presenting period brass band music, performed on antique instruments. Attired in uniforms and gowns, the band’s musicians, color guard, and costumed ladies take you back to the 1860s, to that turbulent era known as the Civil War. A nostalgic portrayal of the atmosphere of days gone by is generated by a unique form or showmanship that blends the sights and sounds of the period with historical anecdotes.
- Heritage Sunday | September 7th, 11 a.m.-4pm
- Historic trade demonstrations, soldiers representing different eras of war, live music, and classic cars will be displayed. Also, tours of the 1858 Beckman Mill and Cooperage/Museum will be available. The gift shop will be open, and food will be available for purchase in the shelter. There is no admission charge for the event, but donations are greatly appreciated.
History of Beckman Mill
Beckman Mill is located at Beckman Mill County Park, 6 miles west of Beloit, Wisconsin. On the grounds of the 50-acre county park you will see an authentically restored 1868 grist mill, a new dam, mill pond, fish ladder, foot bridge, saw mill display, 1840s cooperage, visitor center, gift shop, creamery, blacksmith shop, picnic shelter, vintage garden, nature trail and more.

The showpiece of the park is the Beckman Mill, the restoration of which was completed in 1997 by the Friends of Beckman Mill’s volunteer work crew. It is operational with power being supplied by its original 1860s water driven Leffel turbine. In the event alternate power is needed, the mill can be operated by its vintage two-cylinder gasoline engine.

The mill was built shortly after the Civil War by millwright William Howe of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. In 1882 it was acquired by August Beckman who had previously operated mills in nearby Juda and Hanover. The mill was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.

Beckman Mill Park’s Visitor Center
Beckman Mill Park’s Visitor Center was constructed by the Friends of Beckman Mill’s volunteer work crew. It was completed in 2006 and is patterned after Herman and Augusta Griinke’s creamery that was once on the property. The Visitor Center serves as a gift shop and includes a creamery display, a blacksmith shop display and modern rest rooms. An office and meeting room are on the second floor. The visitor center is open Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 p.m., May through October.

Beckman Mill County Park
Beckman Mill County Park offers a park shelter with picnic tables available on a rental basis. For more information, click here or call 608-757-5450.

Amenities Include: Picnic shelter with 12 tables and electricity, other picnic tables scattered throughout the park, nature trails, heritage garden, accessible fishing pier, covered bridge, dam with millpond and unique fish ladder, sawmill display, restrooms, drinking water, and cooking grills.
Beckman Mill
11600 S. County Road H
Beloit, WI 53511
Click here to follow Beckman Mill’s Facebook page.
Categories: Annual Events • Attractions • Getaway for Families • May-October • Spring & Summer Ideas