Pizza Farm in Beloit
The only Pizza Farm in Beloit is Double B Farm Country Store & Café. Double B is owned by husband and wife, Dan and Barb Beeler. The farm was founded in 1851 and is located northwest of Downtown Beloit in the rural countryside. In addition to serving home-made breakfast, lunch, and their famous Duck Butt muffins, Double B’s becomes a Wisconsin Pizza farm from June through September.

Double B has been operating as a pizza farm on Saturday evenings from 5:30-8:30 pm since 2018 when they decided to expand their offerings and built an outdoor brick oven. They make the dough fresh and many of the meat and vegetable toppings come from their farm. In addition to pizza, you can purchase New Glarus Spotted Cow, New Glarus Moon Man, Dos Equis Lager, Sierra Nevada Porter, Murphy’s Stout, Coors Light, and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. In addition, you can purchase soda and water.

Nothing beats fresh air, fresh ingredients, watching the sun set behind the farm field, and a cold Wisconsin beer!

In addition to pizza nights, they serve home-made breakfast and lunch year round Wednesday-Sunday from 8 am-12 pm inside the barn restaurant, in addition to seating, they also have several products available for purchase including: antibiotic free pork, beef, chicken, and lamb, along with gourmet brats, baked goods, and artisan goat cheese.

Throughout Pizza Farm season, Double B Farm often provides live entertainment.
If you are looking for a great Wisconsin Pizza Farm, be sure to put Double B Farm Country Store & Café on your list! Because Double B is a working farm, it’s always best to call ahead or check their Facebook page before heading out.
Double B Farm Country Store & Café
2777 S. Brostuen Rd.
Beloit, WI 53511
(608) 921-0293
Follow Double B on Facebook
Wednesday-Sunday 8 am-12 pm
Saturdays June-September 8 am-12 pm then reopen at 5:30 pm for pizzas
PLEASE NOTE: Double B only accepts cash.