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Arcane Archives March Tournament

Mar 9, 2024

10:00 am

Arcane Archives
635 Broad St.
Beloit WI


Event Website


What: Warhammer 40K ITC RTT
Cost: 30$
Signup: Prepay at the store, over the phone, or pay during registration for the event.
When: Saturday, March 9th, 2024 – 10:00 AM
Registration: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Round 1: 10:00 AM-12:45 PM
Lunch: 12:45 PM-1:30 PM
Round 2: 1:30 PM – 4:15 PM
Round 3: 4:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Awards: 7:15 PM

Army Requirements:
2000 Point Battle-Forged Armies for 10th Edition
Proxy “Counts-as” models are allowed as reasonable substitutes. Models must still be distinct from one another if they are to have unique weapons different from other models in the unit.
To receive the 10 Points for Painted and based all models must be painted and based in the army.
Lists can be submitted through printed copies on event day, prior to event day, or through BCP.

Tournament Format
Battlefields will be Set for pre-designated Terrain Layouts as described in the Leviathan Tournament Companion.
Terrain is going to be primarily Ruins of various sizes alongside footprints cut to Terrain Layout Tournament Sizes.
All missions and scoring as specified in the Chapter Approved: Leviathan Mission Deck and additional GT Materials.
Terrain and objective markers are provided(But can bring your own Objective Markers), players will have access to scoring sheets with rolling tables for secondaries if they don’t have alternatives for drawing their tactical missions.

Primary Mission
Mission Rule
Mission 1
The Ritual
Scrambler Fields
Sweeping Engagement
Mission 2
Scorched Earth
Chilling Rain
Dawn of War
Mission 3
Take and Hold
Chosen Battlefield
Sweeping Engagement
All official 10th Edition Rules/Erratas published One Week Prior to Event Date will be in Effect
Time Tracking will be required for the round if requested by one or both players.
Tournament Organizers will be shoutcasting times remaining in the round.
Best General
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Painted
Wooden Spoon

Event Faq/Rulings
Line of Sight and Measuring
Measuring is always from base to base (unless the model’s datasheet says to measure from the hull).
Line of sight is always model to model (not just the base).
Note that for both of the above it says model, not unit.
If a unit has some models visible to the shooting unit, the shooting unit must be in range of the visible models. This means that if the shooting unit can see some models in a unit but is only in range of a model/models in the unit it can’t see, it would not be able to shoot them.

Overwatch can only be activated twice in conditions of a Captain/Hive Tyrant/Cabal Stratagem-style abilities once and said overwatches must be done by 2 separate units overwatching 2 separate targets with the CP cost version of the strat being activated first all in the same phase. Only other exceptions are when explicitly called out in the ability that is being triggered..
Declare your intent when moving near terrain to your opponent to make sure everyone is on the same page about what is in/touching or behind terrain.
Moving through terrain: Use the base to determine whether a model can move through a gap in terrain. However, the full model must still be able to fit in the final location where it is placed.
As stated by Games Workshop at events such as the Tacoma Open, all windows will be closed; this DOESN’T Include open Doorways or gaps between walls.

Round 1: Mission C : Terrain Layout 3
The Ritual
Scrambler Fields
Sweeping Engagement

Round 2: Mission L : Terrain Layout 3
Scorched Earth
Chilling Rain
Dawn of War

Round 3: Mission E : Terrain Layout 3
Take and Hold
Chosen Battlefield
Sweeping Engagement

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