Visitors Share Their Weekend in Beloit: Marci who lives in Washington, Illinois and won the 2019 3rd Quarter Sweeps. She stayed in Beloit in October.

Every quarter, Visit Beloit runs a sweepstakes to win two nights in a boutique hotel. In addition, the package includes gift cards to several local restaurants, attractions, and other businesses.
We love it when the winners come to Beloit and share their stories of how they spent their weekend in Beloit!
Here’s Marci’s weekend in Beloit in her own words.
We had a lovely weekend! We checked in on Friday afternoon and I married my friends at La Casa Grande, with all my grown children attending. The food was good and the facility was nice. We called it an early night though, and I went and soaked in the tub at Ironworks Hotel. I really liked the fireplace!

The following morning, we walked around the Farmers’ Market with friends from Poplar Grove, purchased all sorts of goodies, and used my Northwoods Premium Confections gift card for oodles of dark chocolate.
We ate lunch at Lucys #7 Burger Bar, perused the Turtle Creek Barns & Noble Book Store and the little library, then took a long walk along the river. We walked on both sides, crossing two very picturesque bridges and visiting with folks all along our travels.
After our walk, we went back to our room and relaxed the rest of the day and evening. We checked out early on Sunday. We are looking forward to the two excursions we have left from the package we won—DC Estate Winery and G5 Brewing Company.